A Curly Girl in Japan – Following Your Own Path


I have been trying to write this blog post for the longest time. I had kind of been forcing myself to try and write something profound about my new discoveries on life… but the words just kept jumbling. Instead, I’m going to share my current reflections from June time until now. And explain where I have been, and where I wish to move forward to. So get comfy and grab a cuppa!


As you will most likely know If you saw some of my InstaStories, I travelled to South Korea to visit one of my oldest and closest friend who was studying abroad. We decided to then travel to Japan over a weekend and visit Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. We were limited in time and money, so no pressure. 24 hours a day we tried to get as much done as possible, not letting a minute go to waste. The trip will forever be special to me as I’ve had an affinity for Japan my whole life. Just being there felt right and was like being in my very own Studio Ghibli movie sometimes. It really is as beautiful as you imagine it to be.


While there, I felt like I was truly an individual and hanging in space. I was thrust into some parallel world, I had read books about and watched films about, only to now exist in it. But I was so busy I didn’t have time to really think about anything much other than navigating the crazy tube system and not missing my flights. Japan was amazing. And while I didn’t go for weeks, I’m happy with the experience I was lucky enough to have, which I’ll always treasure.


Coming back from across the world into the UK things did not slow down. I made a short film, had already finished uni, moved to London and started a full-time job. I had no time to reflect because I was going through some pretty intense changes and hurdles. Only NOW have things calmed down. I haven’t had time to go back to Sheffield and recoup in the summer like I always did after university. Instead, I’ve been plunged straight into the working city life trying to keep my ambitions afloat among the sea of changes.


I do believe the best reflections come far after the experience when you have time to clearly think. I know that my goals and wants are to be successful creatively. For the first time in my life, there are no exams, essays, or straight forward stepping stones to cross in order to securely get to the place I wish to. It’s just 21-year old me, living in the big city, trying to follow my own path. Or shall I say make my own path?


And that’s what I’ve tried to focus on a bit more. It’s not easy and sometimes taking a break from social media can help that. Coming on to Instagram to see people advancing in what you wanted to be doing, can be a little disheartening when you know you, yourself, let the work slip through own fingers. But I’ve come to realise that was not my sole calling. And I need to accept that my journey is going down a different route, and may just take a little longer.


I don’t know if this blog post made much sense or had a clear message but I knew I had to share this in order to start anew on my blog and get back into things. Start the gears rolling again. I think even now, I am still reflecting, it was all very fast pace my Japan trip but I look back on those days like they were a postcard sent to me by someone else. I am looking forward to creating new stuff for my blog and being apart of the curl/ natural hair community, it’s been one of the highlights of the year and I hope to continue doing what I love!

Thank you for reading!


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