My Self-Care Tips

Having curly hair is a high maintenance lifestyle not many people know about. (The question; what do you put in your hair? is not so simple to answer) Unfortunately for us our neglect of ourselves shows itself mostly through our hair. It can become matted, permanently in a bun, frizz everywhere. I've not been able to make an appearance on Instagram due to these reasons. My hair is not perfectly coily everyday without a frizz in sight. Sometimes I just do not have the energy to wash, finger detangle, apply three separate products, scrunch, diffuse for 35 mins or more and pick my hair with an afro comb trying to get the best possible volume. I can't do these steps when I'm already struggling to get out of the bed.

Review: Cantu Sulphate-Free Conditioner & Shampoo

For over a year now the Cantu Define & Shine Custard has been a firm favourite and staple in my daily hair routine. So It was a no brainer that eventually I would dip my hands into their other products to find out what the hype was about. I had had my eye on the … Continue reading Review: Cantu Sulphate-Free Conditioner & Shampoo